
EK Soch Nai Soch NGO (India’s Best NGO)

Join as Volunteer & Participated in Social Welfare Program

1. The volunteer should go door-to-door and inspire the general public to rise above caste, religion and regionalism and vote for educated, scientific and honest leaders in the elections.

2. Develop a sense of patriotism in the youth by telling about the lives of the great patriots and freedom fighters who freed the country from the slavery of the British by going to volunteer schools and colleges.



3. Volunteer inspire the people of the country for blood donation, eye donation and body donation after death.

4. Volunteers should encourage people to do roof gardening and plant saplings for environmental protection. One day a week, you can contribute to environmental protection by using a bicycle to handle the tasks around you.

5. Volunteer Help the needy people by collecting the right items of old clothes, shoes, sports goods, electronics from the general public

6. Volunteer go to the people living below the poverty line and make them aware of population control and family planning

7. On the day of Volunter holiday go door to door and beautify your locality, village, city, road, square, intersection and public places by giving shramdaan.

8. Under the Volunteer Digital Literacy Program, make women, youth, farmers, small shopkeepers aware about running the website of all government departments and spread maximum publicity of government skimo

9. Volunteer go door to door and inspire the general public not to misuse the country’s natural resources on religious events.

10. Volunteer go door to door and create awareness about the duty given in the constitution and the budget of the country.

11. Volunteer Motivate the general public to contribute to nation building by helping schools, colleges, hospitals, sportspersons, small farmers, promising youths, self help group women, Anganwadi workers on their birthdays, anniversaries, and death anniversaries of their ancestors.

12. Volunteer from time to time organize programs like adventure, entertainment, enjoyment, fun, travel, dancing

13. Volunteer go door to door and motivate the general public to cooperate financially under 80G to Ek Soch Nai Soch NGO according to their ability.

14. By sharing the social work of Volunteer Ek Soch Nai Soch NGO as much as possible through social media like Facebook, Instagram, youtube, Whatsapp, Telegram, Linkedin, Newspaper, electronic media, social media chanel to make people participate in social work inspire

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